School District Dives into Aquaponics; A Progressive Approach to Hard Times

I am the greenhouse manager for Southeast Island School District (SISD), whose district office is located in Thorne Bay, Alaska on Prince of Wales (P.O.W.) Island. SISD serves roughly 160 students throughout 9 communities; 7 on P.O.W., 1 on nearby Baranof Island, and 1 on the mainland. It’s got to be one of the only school districts in the state, and definitely in the “bush”, that has an employee with that title, “greenhouse manager”. Why would a school district, with tightening budgets, increased high-stakes testing demands, new standards (Common Core), Read More …

School-wide composting; why isn’t it happening!?

“You can solve a lot of the world’s problems if you do school right.” (unknown author) As a principal, I get a bird’s eye view of the many moving parts associated with operating a school. From instructional programs and curriculum, to facility and food service management (and everything else in-between; PTA’s, personnel, standards, assessment, discipline, athletics/clubs, scheduling, special education, purchasing, staff & student travel, professional development, etc., etc.); they all interact to produce your local educational system. More importantly though, is what that “system” outputs; that is, the quality of Read More …