Hello everyone! Its #GardenerIsShe2020, and I just wanted to present the Top 10 Gardening Tips- EVER for beginning and advanced gardeners. Weather you’ve never gardened and want to know how to do it hassle-free or of you’ve been gardening for years and are wondering what you’re missing, to enhance your garden- these are the hands down best tips for all gardeners: 1. Go it small– starting off small one can get the groove of gardening without having to stress about mass production. However, don’t under-do it or you may not Read More …
Tag: gardening tips
Love Cloves? Read Growing Great Garlic

“It is not a ‘garlic gospel,’ nor it is another garlic cookbook. It does answer most of the questions that no one could answer for me fifteen years ago when I began to grow garlic.’ -Ron L Engeland, Growing Great Garlic (p. xi) Engeland is a content expert as a “founding farmer” at Filaree Garlic Farm in North-Central Washington State. This book, published in 1991, seeks to educate organic gardeners and small famers about best practices in garlic production. Although this is a broad goal and the content often leans Read More …
My Most Awesome Gardening Experience This Summer – Wow, I learned a lot

Wow, I’ve learned so much about gardening this summer. When I started my gardening project this summer for the first time in a very long time I was extremely excited. Being the planner I am, I researched, read books, talked to other gardeners and still came away with several “what was I thinking?” Here are some of my learning curve experiences and thoughts: Start lettuce with transplants instead of seeds. Unless you really do want more than 50 lettuce plants. Instead of planting in the raised beds I think next Read More …